Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - VIDEO version

Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm - VIDEO version

H and H 29 Donna BAXTER get Online or Get left Behind

March 17, 2015

“Get on line or get left behind”,that is what Tech Diva, Donna Baxter, CEO for Soul Pitt Media says. Donna has been known for many things in her life, in college they called her Lady Fresh, when she grabbed the microphone and was throwing down rhymes as a rap artist. Donna is still picking up the microphone but now, as a business speaker and digital consultant and is on a mission to educate minority and women business owners on the power of the Internet. 
One of the platforms she uses to catapult her message is through community meetings and events. Donna is also the current President for the Pittsburgh chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners, NAWBO. Donna has a true love for Pittsburgh and expresses it through her award winning community website, print magazine Soul Pitt, and a podcast radio show. Donna says that consistency is the path to success, that and a lot of Soul. You’ll learn so much from Donna Baxter up next on Hustle and Heart TV with Darieth Chisolm.
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