Human Architects

Human Architects

Podcast 009 | Frienemies

April 02, 2017

Frienemies, who needs them? No one! Sadly, we all totally have them. In this episode, I explain the difference between a friend, enemy and frienemies (people who pretend to be your friend, but are dangerous to your life, health, happiness and development). I give you 10 characteristics to help you spot the frienemies in your life, 30 day challenge to clear them from your life and explain why this is critical for anyone who wants to be happier, healther, safer and intentional in their life. I also share a few stories in my life of my frienemies and how I manage to spot them sometimes before, or sadly, after the already caused significant damage to my life.

At the end, of the podcast, I give a few other quick tips. The next episode will be on Minimalism and How I became a minimalist. Happy Listening and have an awesome Sunday! Listen, share and leave me comments, ratings and awesome feedback, but most importantly, I hope you enjoy the moment!

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