Human Architects

Human Architects

podcast 005 | Criticism

February 26, 2017

In this podcast, we discuss the value of criticism in understanding your weaknesses, strengthens and unique journey to achieving your maximum potential in life. Society has told us that Criticism is negative and feedback is positive, but thats not true. From criticism it is possible to extract some unknown truths, strengthens and weaknesses. It is also possible to discover who are your friends and your enemies (those jealous of you or passing their own personal fears on to you as a way to stop you from maxing your potential).

At the end, of the podcast, I give a few quick tips on how to begin to sort through all the criticism you receive for the good, pointless and add value. With the podcast growing internationally. The podcast will now be released on Sundays, because Sunday are the perfect days to relax and enjoy a podcast or two. Happy Listening and Sunday! Listen, share and leave me comments, ratings and awesome feedback, but most importantly, I hope you enjoy the moment!

If this podcast adds value to your life or was a little interesting, please like it, subscribe to get the next podcast, join our facebook community at or check out the blog at . If you think it can add value to someone else you know, share it with your friends, family and network on facebook, twitter, linkedin or by any means that works best for you. Thanks again for listening and feel free to email me or leave me a voicemail with comments or questions at or +1-415-993-0559. Until next time, remember "Your development is yours and no one elses."