Health Tech Weekly

Health Tech Weekly

Right Eye Standardizes Concussion Assessment

March 15, 2016

RightEye takes standard eye-tracking technology and adapts it for concussion testing and tracking for athletes and trauma victims. RightEye offers a revolutionary eye-tracking solution that measures your visual skills and health in just 2 minutes. With eye-tracking therapy, they help you achieve what they call Maximum Vision Performance.
In just two minutes, the RightEye eye-tracking test records eye movement data on precisely where a person is looking and measures an array of vision characteristics that are automatically compared to a database of the general population.
After the test, the software delivers a real-time, customized RightEye report that identifies strengths and weaknesses in vision performance and underlying health conditions, and recommends customized eye-tracking based vision training games that improve vision performance along with any needed medical follow-up.
It can also be used to track changes over time for concussion patients to track when they return to normal and can return to work or the playing field.
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