Health Tech Weekly

Health Tech Weekly

HealBe Tracks Nutritional Intake and Activity

February 09, 2016

HealBe provides a way for consumers to track their calorie intake constantly using a device they wear on their wrist. Health Tech Weekly host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic interviews HealBe co-founder George Mikeberydze about how the device was developed and the technology that uses electrical impedance to track the glucose and other nutrients entering the cells.
Far more than a simple activity tracker, the Healbe GoBe provides the most comprehensive information from your body, delivered effortlessly to your smartphone. GoBe calculates your calorie intake through your skin. Know exactly how many calories you're consuming with no manual logging, no estimates and no error-prone guesswork.
It also delivers a complete picture of your heart rate and daily exertion level with GoBe’s continuous piezo pressure sensor heart rate monitoring. Coupling this with an activity tracker and you have the nearly perfect fitness and wellness wearable device.
Find more info at and get the HealBe GoBe at now for just $249.00.
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