Health Tech Weekly

Health Tech Weekly

Fitness Workspace Building The Office Of The Future

September 14, 2015

This week on the Health Tech Weekly Podcast we take a look at how even the way a building is designed can make a difference in your health. What if your workplace was set up in such a way that you had to take the maximum number of steps each day to get around your workplace? You’d get those additional steps and burn additional calories.
Well, one company in Texas is taking this concept of a fitness workspace to an extreme. The HCSS corporation which builds and designs construction project software is building a new office and corporate headquarters. In addition to having things like stairs for traveling between floors, it also has a cargo net to climb up to the next level. Yes, you heard me right. There’s also a large, two-story orange sliding board to get back down again.
This is all part of this company’s commitment to increasing the health and wellness of their employees. They also have a 50,000 square foot gym. The CEO Mike Rydin says the company’s commitment to a fitness workspace doesn’t stem from any particular thing they are trying to achieve from a health standpoint. It stems from a commitment to helping everyone feel better about themselves which leads to a happier workforce and increased productivity.
Many studies have looked at corporate wellness programs and all have said that increasing the wellness and fitness of employees improves productivity and reduces costs from things like lost revenue and productivity from sick days or health insurance increases. So your company might not go to the lengths of HCSS and Mike Rydin but you should expect that you are going to be changing the way you do things over the coming years as more companies try to get you up and moving while at work.
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That will wrap up this episode of Health Tech Weekly. Make sure you follow up over at our website,, for more information on this and all of our episodes. There are additional resource links, links to trusted resources for living a healthier lifestyle and more. If you have a comment on this week's episode please get back in touch with me either over at in comment links for each article or shoot me an email at
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