The Highly Sensitive Person Podcast

The Highly Sensitive Person Podcast

HSP Podcast #66: The worst places in the world for an HSP

June 28, 2016

Overstimulation. Noise, chaos, bright lights, smells, crowds. These are the highly sensitive person’s kryptonite.
I’ve brainstormed a list of what I think are the worst places on earth for HSPs.
[See the blog post version of this episode]
This episode is a little different than most—this isn’t advice, or a serious topic. It is sort of tongue-in-cheek, a little sarcastic, and even a bit silly. It’s more about pondering all the things that set off HSPs and then thinking which places have a lot of those things. So, disclaimer: don’t take this too seriously. Not everyone will agree with this list.

* In the next week or two, I’m doing a call-in show! You can call me on Skype and ask questions or just share your thoughts and comments on high sensitivity. Make sure you’re on my twice-monthly mailing list to get the details and times.
* I’m creating an HSP Entrepreneur Mastermind group! This small, select group will be facilitated by me, and will meet virtually on a regular basis to share and get support for projects and businesses. Just subscribe to my newsletter to get all the details and find out how to sign up in the near future!

Treat yourself!

The Tea of the Month club is just $10 per month.
The owner of Plum Deluxe tea company, Andy, contacted me as a fan of the podcast. As we communicated I grew to love his business’ goals and vibrant tea community.
With the Tea of the Month subscription, you get enough hand-blended tea for about 20 cups. You’ll also receive a sample of one additional tea AND access to his great, private Facebook group of fellow tea lovers. (That actually might be my favorite part!)
The next deadline for the tea of the month is July 7 so this is the perfect time to order and get in on the next shipment! You can cancel anytime. (Sorry—US and Canada only.)
Join the Tea of the Month club!

Podcast music attribution: Bust This Bust That (Professor Kliq) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0