HR Latte

HR Latte

Healthcare HR Today with HR - VP Nancy Rubin

August 25, 2015

~ August series: Healthcare HR Today ~

Brought to you by Dovetail Software

Nancy Rubin Talks Healthcare HR
episode 64

Nancy Rubin, revered Human Resource professional in Southern California and HR Vice President for non-profit, stops by HR Latte to talk about human resources in healthcare today, what's changed the most over the years, what's stayed the same, and how healthcare HR can keep up with the times! 

Nancy has been involved in Healthcare HR for three decades - we'll also chat about the shift in her own career and how ageism affected even a pro like her. 

HR Latte is a fast-paced, quick hit show where you can expect not only surprises but the information you need to know for success in the world of talent management.

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