The Inspire Before We Expire Show

The Inspire Before We Expire Show

Elaine Rau (CEO of Ladybossblogger) - How To Use Hardship & Transfer It Into Success

February 14, 2019

How do you overcome challenges?

To tell you the truth challenge is what makes the journey much more interest and allow to see that nothing in life worth having comes easy. We have to remind ourselves it's not only about the destination but it's about the process.

To never feel like your alone in this there's always someone who is rooting for despite the odds I want you to remind yourself that no matter how challenging the journey may be I will get through THIS!

Today's episode of The Inspire Before We Expire, I am sharing the words of such a driven woman and boss chick who decided to find a way through being down to her last: Elaine Rau

Elaine Rau is the founder and CEO of Ladybossblogger a platform that teach female entrepreneurs learn how to start, grow and scale their own online businesses and blogs. A woman who has been featured In the Huffington along with 100 + publications. Her business has grown massively through her uniqueness, consistency and a team of creative female interns. Although, Elaine has been down coming also from a developing country losing her brother in law and her job in one week she allowed all the adversity to push her more and further she decided to take the steps of investing herself now she is a a Lady CEO.

Some Questions I Asked:

- When did the journey first began for you
- Where the name Ladybossblogger first estably
- How do you stay focus during difficult times

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"Work On Your Mindset That You Truly Deserve The Success That You Can Achieve"
- Elaine Rau