Hot Topics Talk Radio Network

Hot Topics Talk Radio Network

HTTR - Killing the Mentally Ill: Lack of Training or do they care?

June 28, 2017

Killing the Mentally Ill: Lack of Training or do they care?

Nearly 8 million Americans suffer from a serious mental illness that "disorders their thinking," such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder - and more than half are not taking medications or receiving care.

At a time of heightened concern over police shootings, a new report estimates that people with mental illness are 16 times more likely than others to be killed by police - and one in four fatal police encounters involve someone with mental illness.

Join Toni Breedlove and Rollin Dee on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 8pm PDT/ 10pm CDT/ 11pm EDT, as they examine the high rates in police shooting fatalities among people who suffer with mental illness, and the lack of training associated with handling the mentally ill.   

You are invited to listen and join this very controversial conversation by calling (646)200-3148.  Or listen online and join the chatroom here on Blog Talk Radio.  You may also access the link to listen by going to

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