Honey Help YourSelf

Honey Help YourSelf

Today’s Good Energy Tip: Name It

February 19, 2015

Have you been feeling stuck or overwhelmed lately? Has your energy been 'off'? I ask because I've certainly felt that way here and there lately. Whether or not it was the Mercury retrograde business these last few weeks, my communication—specifically, my internal self-talk—was inconsistent and riddled with mixed messages.

Yes, I wanted to create new experiences, I told myself. But I hadn't planned on the inconveniences involved to create them. It's like that exciting road trip: you know you'll need to map your route and gas up the car and water the plants and make some calls and pack your stuff and coordinate with your co-pilots before you go and... gaaaah, the details! The work.

Here's a truth about The Journey: we won't get anywhere if we don't go anywhere. Call me simple (and I am), but that's the long and short of it right there. When we dream big and put our plans in action, that's also when we get to meet ourselves in the alley. Meaning, here's where we see the shadowy aspects of ourselves that we don't like to look at.

My journey is leading me to confront old subconscious ideas I've been dragging around: i.e. fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of not being seen, fear of being seen, fear of fear, and fear of fearing fear. It's laughable when I lay it out in the daylight, but sharing our vulnerability isn't always the first place we go, is it?

And that's where today's tip comes in. When you know you want something other than what you've got, NAME IT. Own the fact that you have a desire or unmet need. Start mapping your journey toward getting it. And when you meet your fear in the dark, NAME IT, too. Square your shoulders and do like this: You're the temper tantrum that wants to make me look like an ass and throw me off of my game. Hello! or I see you, fear of fearing fearful things. You, behind that dumpster, it's me and you, and only one of us is making it out of this alley tonight! Bring them into view, where you can see them close up. That act alone goes a long way in helping to diffuse the discomfort.

Putting a name to our issues helps release the charge of them; it loosens their hold over us; it helps us move through the stuckness and allows us to reclaim the energy we'd otherwise be using to hold ourselves back. There's a NAME for that, too. It's called COURAGE. Call yours in right now, honey. You got this.

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