Homeschooling IRL

Homeschooling IRL

Special Replay: The Desperate Need To Get It Right

August 27, 2021

Special Replay Episode:  When we talk about the desperate need to get it right, Fletch is quick to say, “Oh! You mean homeschooling in the age of Pinterest?” On this episode we are talking about how to homeschool when we feel like we just don’t measure up to the other homeschool moms we know.
We are joined in the studio by Kym Smythe, Sabrina Justison and Vicki Tillman, three of the sisters from and The Homeschool Highschool Podcast. We discuss how to handle the competition, comparisons and the desperate need to get it right. has a curriculum bundle of 10 resources including a Career Exploration workbook, tools for writing a personal mission statement, practical instruction for developing interview skills and more. Each piece of the bundle is in .pdf ebook format and downloads instantly to your device after purchase. The bundle is regularly priced at $13.45, but for Homeschooling In Real Life listeners your big sisters at are offering a coupon code that will knock 25% off that price; you pay just $10.08 when you use coupon code 7sistershirl. For a detailed description of all that's in the Career Exploration Bundle, check out the ebookstore at


Recommended Resources:
Homeschool Highschool Podcast

Follow Fletch/Kendra:
Fletch Twitter
Kendra Twitter

Follow the Studio Dogs:
Betty the Surf Dog - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website
Rasta The Chocolate Lab - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website

Previous Episodes Mentioned:

Music clips used on this episode:
Get It Right - Glee Cast - Purchase it Here


Are you ready to listen to Fletch and Kendra get real about homeschooling? Press the PLAY button below.

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