Hollywood Gyros

Hollywood Gyros

Hollywood Gyros Ep. 4 – Joe and Brian in Space (Part 2)

December 19, 2015

Ep. 4. So Joe and Dak Nads head to Cyclorg 7 and the Mastrodome, where the Intergalactic Wrestling Federation Championship match—TO THE DEATH—between Brian and the Human Cyclorg is being held.  As soon as they enter the arena, Dak Nads confronts the Human Cyclorg in the ring, hoping to subdue the beast long enough for Brian to escape. Will Dak Nads defeat the Human Cyclorg or be bitched slapped across the galaxy?  My money’s on the second one.  Episode 4 skits include Joe Throws Brian Under the Bus, 2 and a Half Cyclorgs Season Finale (the one where Billy get Tourettes), IWF promos: Jackknife Jones vs. Machine Manny, Joe’s Ceramic Plates in Space, and another Dak Nads PSA: Don’t Do Dank. Featuring the songs “Cry Little Girl” and “Dak Nads” by Joe and the Jungle. All characters performed by Brian Edwards and Joe Reilly, featuring special guests Jordan Borges as Dak Nads, and Zach Zachariadis of Rum and Jokes as Jackknife Jones and the stadium announcer. Produced by Brian Edwards and Joe Reilly.