Hollywood Gyros

Hollywood Gyros

Hollywood Gyros Ep. 5 - The Old West…Hollywood

September 03, 2014

The Old West…Hollywood

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Ep. 5. After being sucked into a time warp on Cyclorg 7, the boys find themselves in the old west…Hollywood!  Its a bar fightin’, rootin’ tootin’, gun slingin’, gay ol’ Hollywood Gyros adventure, brought to you by 88 brand cigarettes! (Kids make sure you get your parents permission before buying and smoking 88 brand cigarettes)  Also Joe and Brian handle a minor legal issue involving a lawsuit against the Hollywood Gyros podcast from the entire Native American community.  Episode 5 skits include Ned the Native American, Ned Goes to Court, and Old West Hollywood Hospital. Featuring the songs “Mourning Lullaby†and “The And†by Joe and the Jungle. All characters performed by Brian Edwards and Joe Reilly, featuring special guest Shawn Ali Conde as Sheriff Don Cluck.  Produced by Brian Edwards and Joe Reilly.