Holistic Path to Health Podcast / Nutrition / Psychology / Self-help & Alternative Therapies

Holistic Path to Health Podcast / Nutrition / Psychology / Self-help & Alternative Therapies

HPH 023: Never Give up Hope - with Sarah Koch

February 21, 2015

On this show, I’m talking to Sarah Koch. Sarah’s husband, Wilfie, suffered a stroke a couple of years ago. Sarah shares their journey and talks about how they’ve been dealing with the effects of it and the amazing recovery that Wilfie’s has been making. When it first happened Sarah was told the Wilfie wasn’t going to make it. All the medical professionals Sarah and Wilfie were dealing with at the time agreed on that. But Sarah refused to give up hope. She has been using a medical device called the PowerTube, also known as QuickZap. PowerTube utilises TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) technology normally used to relive pain and help with musculoskeletal complaints but its’ not the same as your regular TENS machines. PowerTube uses 3 different frequencies and the output is symmetric AC Current and not DC, which is what TENS devices use. The idea behind the PowerTube is to stimulate the body’s healing potential. Some research points towards improved markers in diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and also its ability to remove toxins, such as chlorophenols (links below).

Link to Sarah’s website:




