Hogwarts Radio

Hogwarts Radio

Hogwarts Radio #134: Ravin-claw

September 08, 2013

It's another episode of Hogwarts Radio and we are back in the studio to report on the latest Harry Potter news stories! 

  • We dis-spell Book 8 rumors that have been floating around the internet.
  • NO confirmation of a Harry Potter encyclopedia, or any other Potter related works.
  • Harry Potter: The Exhibition extends it's stay in Tokyo, but where will it go next?
  • Deathly Hallows: Part 2 lands a spot in the book for widest opening of a 3D film and highest opening-day box office gross 
  • Why did it take so long for Guinness to put DHP2 in?
  • Emma Watson picks up GQ's Woman of the year award, and we address recent criticism.
  • Alternate CoS Scholastic cover revealed! Why didn't Kazu go with this one? 
  • Did it capture the the essence of the book?
  • We talk our all new site PotterMash, Big Bang Mash, and more!