Hope In The City Leadership Podcast

Hope In The City Leadership Podcast

Latest Episodes

Long Term Zeal
February 29, 2016

Why do some people grow brighter and brighter with passion for Jesus over a lifetime, while many others sort of dim out along the way?  In this audio podcast Mike O’Quin interviews Hope Group Leader Dave Nevland, a fiery fellow in his own right,

The Power of Story
February 22, 2016

Why do stories stir us so deeply? How can we harness the power of story in the ways we do ministry?  How can we feel more engaged in our own storyline? In this podcast, Mike O’Quin interviews Hope Group leader Billy Hollis about filling our minds with ...

The Follower’s Dilemma
February 14, 2016

The post The Follower’s Dilemma appeared first on Hope in the City.

God as Pursuer
February 12, 2016

“What a man thinks of God determines his destiny,” says Billy Hollis, a leader at Hope in the City and speaker at our upcoming men’s breakfast on February 20.  Do we talk with God or just about God?  Do you believe that God has His best intentions towa...

Relational Care Part Two
February 07, 2016

God is not only interested in redeeming us from sin but also in curing our aloneness. He “sets the lonely in families” (Psalms 68:6), and intends the church to be a warm place where His people come together not only in outward mission but in deep commu...

Relational Care Part One
February 01, 2016

If we really believe that “God sets the lonely in families”(Psalms 68:6), then how do we invite hurting people into community life? How do we care well for people who are going through hard times? How can we look past people’s outward behaviors or addi...

Stretching Past Your Giftings
January 25, 2016

Yes, there are ways that God has wired you and gifts He has given you that make your heart come alive! You will gravitate toward those things because you get tremendous energy and joy from them. That’s wonderful, holy and awesome.

Healthy Conflict Part Two
January 18, 2016

When is it time to bring that sensitive subject up? Do I keep it to myself or will that affect my relationship with this person? How do I even “go there?”In this conversation, the second part of a discussion on how to have healthy conflict,

Healthy Conflict Part One
January 11, 2016

The more engaged you are in your relationships, the more conflict is likely. It’s actually a good sign…it means your heart is in the game and the stakes are high (where they should be). In this audio podcast,

Three Initiatives for 2016
December 23, 2015

Jesus changes lives, and He invites you to play a part in His purposes. Here are three initiatives that Hope in the City will focus on in the New Year to follow Jesus and change the world. Britt shares from his heart a 7-minute address that will help y...