The History of the Ottoman Empire

The  History of the Ottoman Empire

Latest Episodes

Suleiman's Greatest Loss
September 16, 2018

In this episode, we are going over the last years of Sultana Roxelane. We start off with her ambitious foundation in Jerusalem to support the poor and give room and board to pious Muslims who retire to the city to contemplate their faith in the place t...

Episode 38: A Long Overdue Peace with the East followed by a Rebellion at Home
June 29, 2018

So there is one high in the ever-increasing series of lows in Suleiman's later years. Through an uneventful war with the Safavids, both sides decided further hostilities were detrimental and signed a treaty that lasted for decades. A reinforced tr...

The Fallout from the Murder of Mustafa
May 21, 2018

So in this week's episode, we cover the fallout from the assignation of Prince Mustafa, Suleiman's oldest and most qualified son. We cover the blame that was thrown around most often towards the Sultana Roxelane, deserved or not.No matter who...

Episode 36: The Great Sin of the Magnificent
May 06, 2018

Of course, nobody is perfect, no matter if you are a great leader or a lowly peasant. Even when honored with the title of magnificent, there are still skeletons in one's closet when all is said and done. Although the assignation of Sultan Suleiman...

Haters to West and Haters to the East all cry out, It’s Just not Fair!
April 08, 2018

So the string of Ottoman successes keeps going, but warning, in the next episode the Magnificent gets a chink in his armor. But before that he continues wiping the floor with Charles and his brother Ferdinand, delivering their most humiliating concessi...

And Another One Down, And Another One Down, Another One Bites the Dust!
March 18, 2018

The Ottoman's run of success keeps on a rolling in this action-packed episode! From a stalemate in the Arabians Sea to a wipeout in Algeria to seizing even more control of Hungry from Charles V and his brother Ferdinand. Suleiman is truly living u...

The Ottoman’s New Lake
February 23, 2018

In this episode of the history of the Ottoman Empire, we are back to the Suleiman vs. the West narrative. This time the Ottomans have their focus on Venice, who was supported by the Pope, and our old friend, and the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, who w...

A Tale of Two Admirals
January 28, 2018

In this episode, we cover the rising tensions in the Mediterranean between Charles V And Suleiman I. Neither had adequate enough naval forces to take the other on, and there was a race between them to establish themselves in the seas. Both sides were l...
