The History of the Ottoman Empire

The  History of the Ottoman Empire

Latest Episodes

Digging Deeper into the Magnificent
November 17, 2017

In this episode, we are covering more about all that made Suleiman the Magnificent. It was not only the battlefield that he excelled but was rare, all-purpose leader of his time. Suleiman was a very religious man, but not fanatical about his faith. Tak...

Episode 28: Suleiman fails to do what your host has done many times, Eat Breakfast in Vienna
October 24, 2017

Episode 28: Suleiman fails to do what your host has done many times, Eat Breakfast in Vienna

Episode 27: Süleyman 3 all the others 0!
September 26, 2017

Let's just face it, Sultan Süleyman I starts his rule out with a bang! We have covered him taking Belgrade, Rhodes, and now he is going back to Hungry with a bang! Before that we are introduced to Süleyman's right hand and Brother-in-law , Gr...

Episode 26: Süleyman Completes What the Conqueror Could Not.
September 11, 2017

Episode 26: Süleyman Completes What the Conqueror Could Not.

Episode 25: Süleyman Avenges the Conqueror
August 29, 2017

Episode 25: Süleyman Avenges the Conqueror

update #2
August 21, 2017

Episode 24: Introducing the Magnificent!
August 06, 2017

Finally, i release another episode! Sorry once again for the delay, carpal tunnel is the worst, please remember to stretch when typing away! So we finally get to Suleiman! One of, ...

Episode 23: The Last Years of Selim the Grim
June 23, 2017

Who knew Selim would earn three episodes with less than 10 years on the thrown, but for such a short reign Selim packed it in! The conquest Selim experienced early in his rule has ...

Episode 22: Selim Takes Control of the Muslim World
June 05, 2017

Hey there everyone. first off I would like to offer my most sincere apologies for the lack of episodes for the last couple months. Life and a case of carpal tunnel have interfered ...

Episode 21: Selim vs. the Islamic World part 1
March 28, 2017

     So in this Episode we find Selim after disposing his father. The first part of the show we shall discuss how the new Sultan dealt with his brothers who after initially relucta...
