His, Hers, Ours

His, Hers, Ours

His, Hers, Ours - Episode III: The Art of Flipping, Disney, and Why Airbnb is Bomb + Valentine's Day Special

February 13, 2017

Newly weds Caleb and Brittany Mina use this hour-longish podcast to talk about anything and everything related to travel, entertainment, food, work, futures, philosophy, and of course Disney, plus everything else. If you are in a relationship (which everyone is, or at the very least has, relationships) and find that you can’t talk to the other person when you want to, or feel like you can't, then this show is for you. Essentially, if we can make time for each other then you can too.

Here is Episode III in a nutshell: His (Caleb’s) talks about buying and selling, what you need to get started, and basically that it's fun. Starts at 00:15 in.

Hers (Brittany’s) portion touches on all things Disney this week, including her favorite movies and rides, and why she adores the company. Starts at 19:20.

Ours portion talks about our love for Airbnb, and why we think it's the best way to travel the world. Starts at 33:30.

PLUS: this week we feature the newly wed game, or our version of it, where we ask questions to see who has to do the laundry or clean the litter boxes this week! Our idea of the Valentine's Day special.

If you have any questions for us to answer, comments about the show, or anything that you’d like to chat about, email us at hishersourspodcast@gmail.com. We’ll be sure to reply!

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