


October 17, 2020

Today's Reading: Introit for St. Luke, Evangelist
(Psalm 92:1-5; antiphon: Luke 24:46-47)
Daily Lectionary: Deuteronomy 15:19-16:22; Matthew 13:44-58

"..and repentance toward (εἰς) the forgiveness of sins would be preached in His Name to all nations." (Luke 24.46-47)

In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. It was necessary for the Christ to suffer, die, and rise again on the Third Day. Jesus did Good Friday and Easter for you and me! That's the good news that saves! But that Gospelly good work of Jesus does no good unless it is put into your ears. What was achieved on the Cross needs to be delivered to you and me!

For the delivery of His saving work, Jesus sends His men like your pastor to preach in His Name. He doesn't just preach that you need to change and leave your sins through repentance. Nor does Jesus send His men to preach only the Gospel of forgiveness. No, Jesus sends His men to preach specifically "repentance towards the forgiveness of sins."
Jesus died. You need to die, too. That's repentance! Leave your old way of living, all the itches that you scratch, all the times you live for yourself over and against others, all the doubts. If you would be saved, that filth has to be buried in the tomb where Jesus was buried for you. Thus, your pastor is sent to repent you and to call you out of your sins.
Jesus rose again on the Third Day. You rose with Him in the water and the Word. Your sins can't chain you down to the prison of sin and death anymore! You've skipped out of the tomb alive with the risen Lord Jesus! You are right now as free from your sins as Jesus is free. He's not in that tomb of death and so you aren't either! That's the Gospel that your pastor has been called to preach into your ears.

God doesn't just want you to change for change's sake or to be a better person. Please change and be better for others! Jesus knows that those changes won't save you. He preaches the Law to you to kill you so that He can then preach the Good News to you. He puts into your ears repentance toward the forgiveness of sins in His Name. You need both repentance and faith!

It was necessary for Christ to suffer, to die, and to rise again on the Third Day, but your Lord didn't just stop in Jerusalem after winning your salvation! He makes sure that your pastor is sent to where you are to deliver that repentance and forgiveness to you in the Word. Be repented! Be forgiven! In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.

Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Duane Bamsch