High Ticket Sales Secrets | Coaching & Consulting Business / Personal Branding / Sales Training / Ma

High Ticket Sales Secrets | Coaching & Consulting Business / Personal Branding / Sales Training / Ma

Episode 038 – Too Busy Chasing Clients to Make Any Real Money

July 14, 2017

Feedback from a Listener: Thank You! Wow! I just got an email from a listener to this podcast telling me how much he enjoys the show. He looks forward to it every single day. If he misses a day, he looks forward to catch up with a few episodes. He can listen two or three episodes at the same time. I want to thank you. It means a lot when I hear from you. It tells me you’re enjoying my story, my message, my experience and my wisdom and that motivates me. And that’s why I’m doing the show. The show doesn’t make me money, believe me. And it’s not a lead generating thing like people believe in. It’s not a lead generating thing. There are plenty of other things I can do to generate leads more directly. This is more just me sharing with you my body of work, […]