High Science

High Science

Latest Episodes

HS 042: Psychology – How Does Your Mind Work?
June 27, 2018

How much do different modes of thinking affect our day to day lives? More than you might think. High Science dives into psychology and discusses intuition, working memory, attention, and psychological experiments.

HS 041: Sir Isaac Newton – Tootin’ Newton Beans vs. Hooke Slaw
June 13, 2018

Newton: one of the greatest figures to grace the scientific world. Also a closet crazy person. We discuss the life and times of Sir Isaac Newton, explore his most influential work, and dive into his weirder pursuits (like alchemy and the occult).

HS 040: Planet Earf – Layers and Plate Tectonics
May 31, 2018

How do mountains form? If we drilled through the entire planet and jumped in, how long would it take to reach the center? What even are earthquakes? High Science explores our rocky spaceship and the processes that shaped it over its lifetime.

HS 039: Electricity and Magnetism – Peacocks are Racist
May 16, 2018

High Science explores the core ideas of electricity and magnetism. We explore Coulomb's Law, electric fields, magnetism, basic circuits, and more!

HS 038: First Birthday – Reminiscing and Bullsh*t
May 02, 2018

High Science is celebrating its first birthday! We discuss how we started and some favorite our parts of previous episodes. We also get ripped and go on all kinds of sciencey tangents (hence the "and bullsh*t" in the title).

HS 037: Taxonomy – From Sexy Bryophytes to Zombie Ant Fungus
April 18, 2018

High Science dives into the biological classification system. We explore it's history, hierarchy, and we dive deep into the plant and fungus kingdoms. We play a game called "Is THAT a fruit?" and by the end we all question our collective reality.

HS 036: Artificial Intelligence – Are We Ready for Woke Juicers? - High Science
April 05, 2018

Sentient juicers... preowned sex-robots... what it means to be conscious... robot rights... High Science discusses artificial intelligence with two special guests: Jake the Astronomer and James the AI Enthusiast.

HS 035: A Tribute to Stephen Hawking - High Science
March 21, 2018

Stephen Hawking made amazing contributions to physics through his research on cosmology and black holes. However, what launched him into international fame was his ability to explain complex ideas in simple terms, giving us all a key to the universe.

HS 034: Physics of Sound and Music – Shakin’ in the Direction We Go - High Science
March 07, 2018

High Science explores the mechanisms behind sound and music while also breaking down the properties of waves.

HS 033: Our Energy Addiction – How Ancient Sunlight Powers Your Phone - High Science
February 21, 2018

A civilization's progress depends heavily on how it obtains and utilizes energy. High Science explores society's dependence on energy as well as our current green and not-so-green energy sources.