Hockey Masks, High Schools and Popcorn

Hockey Masks, High Schools and Popcorn

45 | Axel Foley’s Day Off

April 14, 2013

Beverly Hills Cop

Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) takes some time-off as a Detroit Police Detective to follow clues leading him to Beverly Hills, CA to investigate a friend’s murder in this week’s discussion of “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984). This is Eddie Murphy at his best in this comedy-laden film that gets to show off his acting chops as well as allowing him to show off his signature Eddie Murphy style.

Then, we plan to ♪ shake it up baby now ♪ in the next movie from 1986 up for nostalgic discussion when someone else decides to take a day off. But in this case, it’s just to skip school and have an adventurous day with his girlfriend and best friend.
