Hero Theory™ – Become Your Own Hero

Hero Theory™ – Become Your Own Hero

HT005 - Always Be a Servant with Cory Boatright

December 27, 2013

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I seem to find great guests that have had massive transitions in their lives…which is cool since that’s what The Hero Theory is all about.

Being grateful for and happy with what you already have is very important but staying in one spot will eventually cause either complacency or frustration when you realize that months or years have passed and you’re exactly where you’ve always been.

Cory Boatright definitely doesn’t fit into that category.  Cory has gone from selling glitter pencils and ginsu knives to starting over 40 businesses with most of them failing.  Despite these failures, he’s pushed through and found success and runs three businesses at the moment. I should also mention that he’s only 37 years old and recently kicked cancers ass too.

I’m blessed to know Cory and proud to share his story with you because he really and truly cares for people and is eager to take the things he’s learned from his struggles to serve others and help us reach our goals without having to suffer the same pain and hardships.

In this Episode You’ll discover:

  • How to test what you WILL and WON’T do to achieve your goals
  • The powerful effect mindset can have on your progress (or lack of)
  • What effect the people you spend time with will have on your life

Links & References shared in this Episode:

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