Hero Theory™ – Become Your Own Hero

Hero Theory™ – Become Your Own Hero

HT000 - Welcome to The Hero Theory Podcast

November 21, 2013

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Finally!  The first episode of the Hero Theory Podcast is here.

This is proof that if you want to do something badly, you’ll do it. I had the idea for this Podcast ages ago and just didn’t know what it would become (still don’t but I’m working on it!)

While I recommend just getting your ideas live, I figured the Hero Theory needed a focus so it took a couple of months to pull it all together.

Have a listen to the first episode where I’ll uncover how the Hero Theory was born, what it is and  lead you through how you can use the Hero Theory to build a bad ass life and become your own Hero.

The episodes will be available on iTunes and of course, you’re welcome to download them right from the site.

If you haven’t already, please enter your best email address in the box to the right and I’ll send you a copy of The Hero Manifesto.

Also, feel free to leave a voice message and share your thoughts, ideas, what you’re working on or who you’d like to hear as a guest on the show.

The idea is to release a new episode every Friday but they’ll be produced faster or slower depending on what YOU need and want to hear so drop me a line.

Dig into the premier episode and let me know what you think.  Become your own hero!

In this Episode You’ll discover:

Links & References Mentioned in this Episode:

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Thank you for listening.  I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Hero Theory Podcast.  Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

If you have any questions or have a guest you’d like to see featured on the Hero Theory, please click the “Send Voicemail” button below and leave a voice message.