Here's The Thing

Here's The Thing

We Can't Be Together if You're A....

June 04, 2014

Welcome back to Here's The Thing! We have more of the relationship talk that you like! On tonight's episode, we want to know what jobs you don't want your sig other to have. Would you be okay if your sig other was a stripper? Tell us how you feel about that! Also, what's the weirdest/awkwardest date that you have been on? Who paid on that date or any of the dates that you've been on. And people dating or married to unattractive people... (side eye) what?!

We have the Hollywood Hot Spot and the newest fashion trends for you! Guess who is out of jail now and guess where you can get clothing in sizes skinny and fat...? Well, that's not good for business...

Call in to chat with us at 646.652.2264! Can't wait to hear from you!