Here's to Brewcast

Here's to Brewcast

The Miracle Berry Challenge

June 15, 2018

Welcome back Brew Crew!

On this episode we take the Miracle Berry Challenge. Talk about insane, these things change your tastebuds and turns your sour foods to sweet ones. We try a plethora of sour foods from grapefruit, limes, lemons and a few others. The results will blow your mind!

Ah the beer, great glorious beer and this week we tried some very interesting ones. The first beer we had was Slamarillo from Powerhouse Brewing in Puyallup, Washington. Our second beer has probably the most amazing label in the world, an interesting Brown Ale from Against the Grain Brewery out of Louisville, Kentucky called Brown Note. Finally we try an extremely sour beer called Bug Zapper from Avery Brewing Company.

Rounding out this episode is the fun game of #BucketOfDoom and this one gets interesting!

Enjoy Brew Crew. Oh, and, don't be a dick. Drink Responsibly.

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