The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention      (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

Diving into the 4th Step with Lynn Carter Smith

July 24, 2015

"We took a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves" is what Step 4 suggests in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. In the 12x12 it suggests that we go against our better instincts which brings us misdirection creating emotional, physical and mental liabilities, which is true. No human being is exempt, no matter how good, from these troubles. These powerful desires for sex, material and emotional security in trying to find our place in society has surrcumbed us to a place of warped and deformed minds and those of little faith will have trouble finding contentment in a healthy way of living until they are willing to surrender. This book of recovery suggests for a reason that we dive into rigous action when it comes to the 4th Step and my Special Guest and good friend Lynn Carter Smith and I, your Featured Host, will discuss the 4th Step from the Big Book and 12x12 and its vital message and I will also share the outline I have available mapped out just like the Big Book for the 4th Step and if anyone is interested in an outline for your own recovery purposes, just message me at The Serenity Show on Facebook at Join us live July 24th Friday nite at 9pm CST at or call in live at 646-929-0421. Also, sign in early to get your free BTR acct, fill out top portion of page, use my URL:, go back to my show and hit the follow button and you will be able to get into chat room! Also, lets welcome our Sponsor The Addictions Academy! Go to them for all your educational needs when it comes to recovery coaching at or call 800-706-0318.