The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention      (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

Introducing: The Addictions Academy with Cali Estes and Kevin Coughlin

July 10, 2015

The Addictions Academy is endorsed by drug and alcohol treatment centers (that asked us to certify and train their staff), National Approved education Provider through NAADAC (that approved our training for Continuing Education Hours), private individuals that have taken our classes (and enriched their practice), and clients that have tried our programs (and are still sober). Our founder, Cali Estes has over 18 years in the addiction and therapy industry ( and has been featured on NBC Universal News, HBO, CNBC, CBS, MSN Money, LA Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, San Jose Mercury, Max Sports and Fitness etc. for her unique work with addictions and getting to the root cause of the problem. We offer our clients and all professionals that want to take our classes the same amount of care and understanding. We want to share our knowledge with you.
While we follow evidenced based practices, our methods of treating addiction are unique.  We look forward to having you. You can also find Cali Estes at We offer Mobile Rehab, mobile drug and alcohol treatment to our clients, Addiction Therapy, Intervention, Family Coaching, Recovery Coaching, Case Management, Anger Management, Private Wellness Retreat and assorted services to our clientele.
As for Professionals, and those that are learning about addiction, we offer classes and certificate programs that can assist you in expanding your practice and gaining new clients. We are cutting edge, we are unique. We invite you to join us! Call us at 800.706.0318 FREE or email us at Cali Estes and Kevin Coughlin will be joining us Friday June 10th at 9pm CST as we discuss treatment and course options.