The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention      (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

Introducing LEAP ORG ~ Youth Program ~ A Great Success

June 12, 2015


LEAP, which stands for Leadership, Enlightenment, Achievement, and Perseverance, also teaches its members about Outreach, Responsibility, and Growth. Our positive youth development program views young people as “resources” who have much to offer rather than as “problems” that need to be treated or fixed. Our vision is to implement sustainable programs that equip and empower youth with the knowledge and resources they need to improve their decision making to lead healthy, productive lives. Richard Reason Garrett is Executive Director of LEAP ORG out of Clarksville, Tn. a Non-profit Organization and is also my Special Guest Speaker for Friday, June 12th at 9pm CST show. It is amazing how I was shopping around town trying to sell my "This is Your Chance" Diversion Program, and all this time Richard has created a very similar program and I must say with great success. I am honored to have him on my come back show after being gone for some time. He is also our City Councilman and doing a fine job. We will discuss Richards background and how he got started in helping to become a fine Leader for our young ones. Please join us for an exciting show by tuning in at or call in live at 646-929-0421 to be a part of our studio audience. We are also kicking off our Foundation for "Helping Teens Say NO to Alcohol and Drugs" Project which will sponsor "The Smart Dating Programs" which I will introduce to High Schools, my friend Richard at LEAP ORG and the Justice System. You can go to and hit the DONATE button pledging your small gift for a much needed program. When individuals have healthy relationship skills, they are more likely to make healthier choices in other life settings. Won't you please support our worthy cause? Thank you.