The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention      (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

Alcoholism/Drug Addiction: Is it a Brain Disease?

March 20, 2015

The DSM-5, which is the Diagnostic of Statistical Manual that Health Professionals use to diagnose patients with mental disorders, including addictions, and let me mention all of man kinds addictions fall into this category, from coffee, to tobacco, to alcohol and any kind of drug named that can prove a psychoactive result within that substance. If it changes the way you feel, it names it. It explains the activation of the brains rewards system and how it is the central point of creating problematic situations in an individuals life, that the feeling created by such use from alcohol or drugs, feelings of pleasue and euphoria, which is so profound to them that an individual will bypass normal activity just to partake in once again creating this feeling. Now DSM-5 has two groups, which one, are substance use disorders, which creates patterns of smyptoms that result from using which the individual takes despite of the problems they may experience.The other is substance induced disorders which is important to be aware of because alcoholism/drug addiction is closely related to several mental illnesses. They mention induced bipolar, anxiety, depressive, sleep, delirium, which is alcoholism, sexual dysfunctions, and neurocognitive disorders. I mention this because so many doctors will diagnose an alcoholic/addict with a particular mental illness, like slapping a label on them. Then they drug them, then clean and sober and working a program after a year, their symptoms have disappeared. Alcoholic/addicts were housed in mental institutions up into the 80's until they closed them down, now they are housed in jails with violent offenders. We have the largest, over populated jail system in the world and the majority of them are there due to alcohol and drug offenses. Join me Fri nite at 9pm CT as we discuss recovery at Sign up for free BTR acct. Fill out top part only, then go follow show. You can also call in live at 646-929-0421