The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention      (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

Sabotaging Our Best Times...Just Like an Addict.

February 20, 2015

Do you ever get that feeling that things are just going way too good and you find yourself questioning why? Man, things are running so smoothly, I'm not use to this, what is going on? There has to be something the husband/wife is up to. I know if I just start asking enough questions or digging around long enough I'll find the problem because nothing ever goes this smoothly and I'm not comfortable with it! Well, that is pure insanity talking, and when we are looking for drama to sabotage something that is perfectly sane, perfectly in order, then we need to take a look in our own back yard. Yes, take our own inventory, because the problem truly lies within ourselves, not outside ourselves. We have always lived in so much drama and negativity that we don't know what it feels like to have positive energy in our lives and how to enjoy it on a constant basis so we will find a reason to make it all wrong, because another truth, you don't feel you deserve to feel the goodness that comes with positive affection and positive outcomes due to consequences the abuse has brought you all your life. Now, that feeling is familiar to you. In fact, it is a comfort zone so you have to create it in order to feel safe and anything outside of this feeling you feel threatened. Joining me is my special guest speaker Jeffery Jenkins, a Licensed Counselor that specializes with this type of work and we will discuss how we Sabotage a good thing so we don't have to face the real truths about ourselves. Join us this Friday night Feb 20th at 9pm CT at or call in live at 646-929-0421. You can tune in early into our chat room by signing up for a free BTR acct at the bottom of the screen. Please be sure to become one of my followers also. Please audience help support my project, not just my project but keeping this show on the air by donating to I need your help! Love to have you! See you there!!