The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention      (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

Introducing Mike Marino: Teens, This One is for YOU!

January 16, 2015

 I have special guest speaker Mike Marino sharing his harrowing story when he battled his teenage years with drugs, alcohol and other destructive behaviors. Now 22 years old, Mike is a well-known and sought after Motivational Youth Speaker. His story is similar to that of my sons and mine, and the blindness of what parents cannot see when their kids are walking a path of dire demise and consequences and screaming out for help because teenagers do not know what path to take when they are in so much pain. Teenagers, I know the story of those that are struggling with life's dilemmas and do not know which way to turn, whether it is at home, school, with friends or depression. Let us help you with your struggles in showing you there is a way out into a brighter future, a future of success no matter where you have been, I urge you to listen!! Principals, Teachers, Staff, Communities and Parents, I urge you to listen to this show as well, for we will point out signs that you need to look for when your loved ones are heading for demise and what to do in order to seek help. Join us for this vital message this Friday night, Jan 16th at 9pm CT at on Blog Talk Radio and/or call in live at 646-929-0421. You can click on to to sign up for a free BTR acct and be able to click on the follow button on my show wall and then join my chat room live. That is this Friday night, be there! If you miss the live show, this show will be in my archived shows for listening 24/7. God bless you all. My audience, you are the most important people to me, especially teens.

We are a nonprofit organization and in the giving of your appreciated gift, you can send it to through Thank you for your contributions, which goes to help keep the show on the air, pays for advertising, and brings needed programs to troubled teens. Thank you again! God bless you all!