The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention      (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

A New Year and another Relapse; Lets Talk Prevention and Intervention!

January 02, 2015

Drug and alcohol rehab statistics show that the percentage of young and old who will relapse after a period of recovery ranges from 50% to 90%. This is a frightening statistic and it is often used as justification for those who wish to carry on with their addiction. What these figures hide is that there are things that the individual can do to greatly increase their chances of sustained sobriety. Those people who are serious about aftercare greatly increase their chances of success. It is most often those who are not adequately supported in recovery that end up returning to their addiction. Many people claim that relapse is a normal part of recovery, but this is just not true. There is absolutely no advantage in continuously relapsing and each time the individual returns to alcohol and drugs they are taking a risk. Those individuals who are in rehab need to adequately prepare for their transition back home. This is a family disease and hopefully the family is involved and has sought recovery themselves and you have a supportive system to go home to. Although, you still need the willingness to do whatever it takes to stay sober, which is a nesessity and very vital to ones recovery. If people are not fully motivated they will struggle to make it through the early months of recovery. It is vital that newly sober people take their aftercare seriously. This could be a choice between life or death. By joining a 12 step group or using some other type of support they will be greatly increasing their chances of success. Join me and special guest speaker Rickie Lynn Harris on this vital topic Friday nite Jan 2nd at 9pm CT as we discuss prevention/intervention, hope and a healthier way of living!! at