The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

The Serenity Show: Prevention and Intervention      (Logo Copyrighted, 2014)

She's Changing lives one Book at a Time ~ Meet 13 year old Nkiyasi Helm

October 10, 2014

Did you ever keep a diary when you were young? Maybe a journel to write your daily events? Or your mind was just filled with so many thoughts that you had to start writing about it to see if you can make any sense of it, and before you know it you have created your own story? We all have a creative side to us which evuavle to having many talents.

My special guest speaker is named Nkiyasi Helm. She is a 13 years old author, illustrator, public speaker and Junior Board Memeber and CEO of and catalog.  Lansing, Michigan is her home town; where she lives with her mom, dad, brother and her two sisters. Nkiyasi has  been writing professionally for more than 3 years now and have matured from writing and drawing with pencils and crayons, to advancing on to professional modern technology using her computer. Currently 10 of her books have been published and she aspires to write many more.  Nkiyasi is an advocate for Obesity Awareness, Anti-Bullying and Literacy.

 Nkiyasi shared:
  One of my goals includes utilizing Written By Kids Publishing Company to provide a conduit for other young people to share their insight on youth related issues from a child’s perspective.  Writing and Speaking are my passion, and I plan on using these skills to share my motivational messages with the world. These messages can help open a dialogue on issues that can sometimes be difficult to discuss.
  I enjoy talking with young people between the ages of 10 and 17 about issues such as confidence, obesity and bullying. 

I am very proud of our young talent, but I hope she does her homework, because I will have some tough questions. Go to for a free account to get in the chat room. See you there!