Herd Marketing Podcasts

Herd Marketing Podcasts

The PPC Game on Facebook and Google

March 11, 2022
How Your PPC Manager Oversees Facebook Ads

So you want to reach a few of the 1.7 billion Facebook users scrolling on their social media —but you also want to be sure you’re paying the right amount of money to talk to the right type of people.

Less experienced marketers may feel that their Facebook ads are not delivering. But paid Facebook ads are astonishingly effective in the hands of a skilled PPC manager who knows what they’re doing, as your Facebook ad receipts will show.

Your PPC manager will begin by creating a Facebook business page along with your business’s Facebook ad account ID. Facebook Ad Manager supplies you with a dashboard that allows you to keep track of your campaigns and a detailed series of metrics, including the amount you’re spending each day.

Every PPC manager spends a lot of time evaluating these metrics and understands the strategies that stimulate performance. Crucially, they will know how to match ad activity with an objective. Your objective might encompass promoting overall brand awareness, driving up your number of downloads or app installations, or directing traffic to your e-commerce site.

Other objectives include lead generation, catalogue sales, video views, and more. After consulting you, your manager will set the parameters that allow them to track and monitor how a particular ad converts in terms of its specific objective. They will also work to configure a precise target audience that is most likely to respond to your offering.

Initially, this part of the game may require some trial and error. Your manager will likely make it a point to try several options, compare performance results, and help you hone your criteria as you zero in on the characteristics of your ideal customer based on location, age, gender, languages, relationship status, education, work, income, ethnicity, politics, life events, interests, behaviours, and connections.

From here, you and your PPC manager will discuss the appropriate budget for your ad campaign, both in terms of your daily and lifetime spend. Your PPC manager will even be able to set your ad for precise hours and/or days of the week if these factors are relevant to your product, service, or target demographic.

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Additionally, your PPC manager will have a hand in creating your ads. Because they know the ad formats inside and out, they will be able to specify which display will work best for your brand and objective. They will also be able to strategize its placement among the three main ad locations: desktop news feed, mobile news feed, or desktop right column. Each comes with its own advantages.

Using a combination of Facebook Ad Manager and their own specialized software, a PPC manager then measures and tracks how your ad performs over time, analyzes the results it’s yielding, and will make adjustments accordingly to dial in a highly optimized, results-driven campaign.

Because your PPC manager has an eye on your ads every day, they can immediately bring you up to speed on how to interpret performance metrics and what you can do to continue using Facebook in the most strategic way possible.

How Your PPC Manager Oversees Google Ads

If you’re considering spending any amount of money on ads to reach your target audience, you know you want to spend it in the right place. Google entertains 4.8 billion interactions every day—an obvious place to allot at least a portion of your ad spend. You may be wondering how Google ads can help you advance your business goal or asking how Google ads generate responsive search ads.

Your PPC manager makes sure that you set up your Google ads to reach qualified traffic—those customers looking for the exact product and services you’re bringing to them. These are the people most inclined to see the ad, click through, make a purchase, or complete whatever objective you’ve laid out for them.

The major advantage of Google Ads is how they leverage the power of the search engine results page. Whenever a Google user is searching out a particular product or related topic, your ad comes up among the other search results as a viable offer that speaks to their immediate need and provides that instant solution they seek.

Beyond the Google search page, your ad can also reach channels like YouTube and the Google display network, offering even more ways to invite customers to head your way. Your PPC manager will help you by keeping all your projects in order and tracking your campaigns from one place. They are experienced with managing campaigns across multiple channels and overseeing considerations like keyword terms that will help narrow the focus of your ad targets.

Additionally, your PPC manager will help you devise an optimized ad landing page so that when a particular user clicks on your ad, they are set up with everything they need—information, encouragement, agency—to take the action you require.

For Google to show your ad to prospective customers and leads, you will be bidding against competitors on particular search terms that push your ad to the front of the line for searches related to a particular key term. Your ad’s ultimate position on the page is known as AdRank, and the number of people who click on it is known as its Quality Score. Your PPC manager carefully factors in both of these attributes as they make decisions about how much to bid, which ads to use for particular products or objectives, and what will lead to the best possible performance.

PPC managers for small businesses are pros at how to optimize Google ads and Facebook ads. By partnering, you quickly develop a clear strategy to make the most of your budget and initiatives. Ultimately, pay-per-click advertising is a game of metrics, leverage, and close monitoring to understand keyword search terms and demographic details. Much like a great internal data analyst, a skilled PPC manager lives to look at the interplay of these factors and solve them like a puzzle, continually advising you as you move through your campaigns and generate your sales and engagement from paid search.
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