The Terri Cole Show

The Terri Cole Show

Latest Episodes

147 One Simple Step to Transformation with Alex Jamieson
June 03, 2018

"There is one three-letter word that can change any mindset challenge you have: yet." - Alex Jamieson Learn more about Hello Freedom at

146 Do Less, Live More
May 27, 2018

"Every minute, every hour, every day is valuable." - Terri Cole Learn more about Hello Freedom at

145 Good Friend or Frenemy? (Cheat Sheet Inside!)
May 20, 2018

"Just because someone used to have a pass to the VIP section of your life doesn't mean that they should retain that pass forever and ever." - Terri Cole Learn more about Hello Freedom at

144 Spring Into Spring (Free guided meditation inside!)
May 06, 2018

"This is a time for making decisions, planting your intentions for what's to come." - Terri Cole Learn more about Hello Freedom at

143 Love Your Body Now!
April 29, 2018

"You don't need to wait for something terrible to happen to your body for you to appreciate it for the amazing instrument that it is." - Terri Cole Learn more about Hello Freedom at

142 Six Steps to Bounce Back from Disappointment
April 22, 2018

"Our ability to learn, to change things, to see something from a different angle is a gift." - Terri Cole Learn more about Hello Freedom at

141 The Right (and Wrong) Way to End a Relationship
April 15, 2018

"If you really know that it's over, you have to honor the way that you feel." - Terri Cole Learn more about Hello Freedom at

140 Psychological Spring Cleaning
April 08, 2018

"Use this mental spring cleaning as an opportunity to become aware of the thoughts that are taking up space without adding value, and then decide to let them go." - Terri Cole Learn more about Hello Freedom at

139 Dr. Frank Lipman - How to Be Well and Lead a Happy Healthy Life
April 06, 2018

"It's these ordinary actions that you on a daily basis that have extraordinary healing benefits." - Dr. Frank Lipman Learn more about Hello Freedom at

138 Barbara Huson - Redefining Power and Your Relationship to Money
April 05, 2018

"When you are committed, the universe revolves to help you reach your goal." - Barbara Huson Learn more about Hello Freedom at
