Heavy Metal Historian

Heavy Metal Historian

Latest Episodes

NWOBHM II: The Lost History of the Underground
June 17, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 38: - During the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, there were not just a few dozen bands that were pushing metal forward – there were hundreds. In Part Two of our exploration into the NWOBHM,

The New Wave of British Heavy Metal
June 11, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 37: - After Early and Traditional Metal a new generation of bands in the United Kingdom were brewing a cultural shift for metal at large. With bands like Diamond Head, Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Raven, Venom, and more,

Zombies and Metal
June 03, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 36: - We return to looking into Horror Folklore and examine how the concept of zombies has influenced metal, and recognize some of the quintessential metal songs exploring the idea of a zombie apocalypse.

The Rise of Traditional Heavy Metal
May 27, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 35: - We voyage back in time to examine the emergence of the bands that followed the Early Metal movement. As the scene was forming up in the Seventies, the word “METAL” began being used to describe the sound.

Werewolves and Metal
May 21, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 34: - We keep on the horror folklore kick, and turn our focus away from vampirism, and over to lycanthropy. We look to the emergence of the creatures that would become known as werewolves,

Vampires and Metal
May 14, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 33: - We turn to the horror genre, and examine the emergence of the beings that would become known as vampires, and where the folklore came from. From the appearance of vampiric folklore,

The Future of Power Metal
May 06, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 32: - After studying the origins and rise of Power Metal, we now turn our focus to the final chapter of our journey into the subgenre: its future. We explore the emergence of a new generation carrying the torch forward ...

The Future of Industrial Metal
April 30, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 31: - We conclude our look into Industrial Metal, as we look at where the style was during the beginning of the 21st century, and where it’s going now. Following the legacy set down by groups such as Nine Inch Nails,

The Rise of Power Metal
April 22, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 30: - We resume our journey into Power Metal, as we explore the subgenre that embraced elements of history and literature. From the bands bringing the fantasy and sword and sorcery to life through music and on stage,

The Rise of Industrial Metal
April 15, 2015

Heavy Metal Historian Episode 29: - We continue our focus on Industrial Metal, as its origins evolved into the emergence of a generation in the 1990’s that shifted opportunities. From the groundbreaking works of Ministry and Nine Inch Nails,