Running To the Beat Podcast

Running To the Beat Podcast

Proud To Run Workout #11 “Fall Into You” – Progressive Trance Vocals

June 01, 2018

This weeks mix “Fall Into You” is an awesome “Tempo Run”.
Also called threshold runs, this is a run performed at the fastest pace you can sustain for a certain period of time. These workouts help you increase sustained speed and the amount of time you can sustain that pace. They are very challenging runs that require some time to recover from afterward. The best way to figure out the pace you can run is to focus on your breathing – you should be able to talk in broken sentences but not be able to carry on a full conversation or be gasping for air.
Example: 1 mile of jogging to warm up, followed by 3 miles at the fastest pace that can be sustained, followed by 1 mile of jogging to cool down.
Fall Into You is an awesome mix for helping you keep a sustained pace for a period of time. The mix starts off with “This Feeling” by Sunbrothers followed by “Fall Into You” by Cosmic Gate two truly magical productions.  As the mix progresses it becomes more powerful and energizes you every step of the way.
Feature Songs

* This Feeling – Sunbrothers, Varsente
* Fall Into You – Cosmic Gate
* Merle – Kyau & Albert
* Far away – Mark Reeve
* Mega – Super8 & Tab
* True Love – Super8 & Tab, Envy Monroe
* Homestead – Ralphie B