Heavenly Qi

Heavenly Qi

Latest Episodes

HQ25 – Gu Syndrome with Heiner Fruehauf part 2
August 01, 2016

Herbal exorcisms. Helping our sickest patients to recover from mysterious and difficult to treat diseases. With seemingly inelegant formulas that at first glance look like a mix-mash of random herbs, Gu expelling formulas have their own unique dynamics...

HQ24 – Gu Syndrome with Heiner Fruehauf part 1
July 26, 2016

Black Magic. What to do if your patient seems cursed? They’ve been sick for a long time and don’t necessarily have positive tests for parasites or bacterial infection to justify their illness. Perhaps they’re not responding to your herbal formulas the ...

HQ23 – The Yellow Emperor: A Time Lord?
July 19, 2016

This week we were blessed to have a great conversation with Roisin Golding about Chinese cosmology. As fans of the tv show Dr Who – Phi and Clare were both very excited to be discussing the idea that the Yellow Emperor could in fact be a Time Lord.

HQ22 – Different Diets to Help Your Patients part 3
July 11, 2016

Do you know which nutritional approach provides the quickest way to reset the immune system? We covered it in this episode! The gems of dietary wisdom continue to flow in part 3 of different diets to help your patients.

HQ21 – Four Directions and Five Mythological Animals
July 04, 2016

The 4 directions are governed by animal symbols: The Red Vermillon Bird of the South, The Azure Dragon of the East, The White Tiger of the West, The Black Turtle of the North The Yellow Dragon of the Centre oversees it all.

HQ 20 – Different Diets To Help Your Patients
June 27, 2016

Phi and Clare really love talking about food. So much that we recorded this second episode and still didn’t get through all the info we wanted to cover! Stay tuned for a third episode coming soon….. This week Phi and Clare discuss the intricacies of mo...

HQ19 – Different Diets to Help Your Patients Part 1
June 20, 2016

Phi and Clare love talking about food. Nutrition is one of those topics that really gets us fire up – and in this episode you can share in our deep passion and love for the intricacies of different food combinations for different patients.

HQ18 – Blocks to Acupuncture Treatment
June 12, 2016

This week we are lucky to have Gye Bennetts join us again to discuss things that can get in the way of your acupuncture treatments having the best effect. More 5 element wisdom in this episode as we go into discussion of Entry-Exit blocks,

HQ17 – 5 Element Diagnosis
June 06, 2016

Gye Bennetts joins us this week for a discussion about 5 element diagnosis. We hear from Gye about his first experience with 5 element acupuncture, and we even have his great impersonation of the 5 sounds associated with each element. Such a treat!

HQ16 – Palpation Based Chinese Medicine
May 30, 2016

Chip Chace joins us this week to discuss palpation based Chinese Medicine. How can you know for sure that your acupuncture treatment has improved someone’s Qi? What is the herbal formula you’ve prescribed actually doing to the Jin Ye fluids?