The UnCaged™ Entrepreneur Heather Havenwood

The UnCaged™ Entrepreneur  Heather Havenwood

SALES, SALES, SALES! UnCage Your Sales in 2021

December 09, 2020

Are you ASKING for the MONEY?
FEAR has set into to so many freaking Entrepreneurs!
Do you have a challenge asking for the money, for YOUR services? I know when I first got started, I could EASILY sell, someone else's products and services. But, selling my own? I would FREEZE in the middle of the close! My old thought patterns of I am not good enough, would pipe in!
If you are a coach, 2021 is your YEAR! People NEED YOU!!! Marriages, NEED YOU! Kids / Parents NEED YOU! People NEED your help on Health and Wellness. PEOPLE NEED YOU!
In this episode, SHARE it with a friend or two, that is challenged by SELLING!
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UnCage Your Money! UnCage Your VOICE!
Heather Havenwood