The UnCaged™ Entrepreneur Heather Havenwood

The UnCaged™ Entrepreneur  Heather Havenwood

The Fitness Stud for Entrepreneurs with Amir Pozderac

June 08, 2020

Hey Influencers!
Wait in for a FUN interview! I met Amir on an Entrepreneur Cruise, and I was impressed by his presentation, that not all bodies or diets are for everyone. I soooo agree. All Diets are not for everybody! He is full of research and shares exactly how one can lose weight and feel great. Each client is different and that is how he treats it.
He is very active in his group on FB, I highly recommend checking him out.
You can find Amir
Be You! Be REAL! Be the Boss of your World!
Heather Havenwood
Fat kid turned pro athlete, 3 times national champion and Olympic Games candidate- turned fitness & nutrition coach. Known for his No BS approach. Helped transform over 600 clients in the last 11 years.