

There's Already A White Version of 'The Wiz'

June 03, 2018

Anissa Nishira Cornelius joins co-host Karyn Thurston for a conversation from the She Is Called conference in Denver. Join these theatre geeks on a journey from Anissa's Southern Baptist upbringing in San Diego to her role as a birth worker in Oklahoma. Anissa shares her experience growing up black in predominately white evangelical circles and challenges us to consider: what if people let the 14-year old black girl who heard the voice of God lead?

Anissa's Instagram
re:Hope Inc.—Hope for Teenage Parents

I'm Still Here by Austin Channing Brown
Death of Innocence by Mamie Till-Mobley and Christopher Benson
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
Freedom Road Podcast

And even if you know Psalty, you might not be familiar with Colby the Computer.