Parenting Today’s Teens

Parenting Today’s Teens

Avoid the Lecture

January 10, 2020


There’s nothing more destructive to your relationship with your child than constant lecturing.

Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens.

Whenever conflict occurs, if your knee-jerk reaction is to lecture, you’re communicating that you don’t think your teen can think for himself. And if you condemn him for his mistakes, you’re actually reinforcing that you don’t really respect him.

That’s not your intent …but it’s what your child is hearing.

So what can be done? Well, stop lecturing and start listening. In fact, start today! Right now, even. Try it for a day. Don’t flip out, argue or lecture. Button up your lips. Just let it go. It’ll take a lot of discipline on your part, but you may discover it’s just what your teen needs.

Then watch what happens. Before long …your teen will return the favor and start listening to you.