Parenting Today’s Teens

Parenting Today’s Teens

Christmas Fun

December 25, 2019


Today, we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. But in homes with teenagers, Christmas is sometimes anything but peaceful.

Hi, I’m Mark Gregston … with Parenting Today’s Teens.

Even with the extra stress and pressure that comes with the holiday season … Christmas can still be the perfect time for family fun.

Try baking some Christmas cookies … or decorating a gingerbread house! Even if Dad’s elaborate construction falls apart … or Mom ends up with frosting on her nose … you’ll still create a fun, safe, and inviting environment that your kids will actually want to be in.

This Christmas, let your kids see just how goofy you can really be. Blessings, my friend!

May your home be filled with an extra measure of peace, laughter, joy, and love.