Conversations with Extraordinary People -

Conversations with Extraordinary People -

Latest Episodes

Crazy Wisdom Saves the World Again: A Conversation with Wes “Scoop” Nisker
February 06, 2015

When I entered the field of medicine in the 1960s, my goal was to transform medicine, to develop a new paradigm and a new way to practice the healing arts. My plan was to create an integral approach utilizing the rationality and technology developed by th

Empowered Caregiving - Thriving, Not Just Surviving: A Conversation with Cindy Laverty
February 06, 2015

Athletes need coaches because the job they do requires concentrated attention, hard work, and wise attention to their mental and physical balance. So do stage performers and top executives. Caregivers need coaches too – yet few get the kind of support

Spiritual Activism: A Conversation with Andrew Harvey
February 06, 2015

In this passionate, inspiring conversation with this clearly brilliant and gifted man, he shares with us the essence of what he has learned and written about in his more than 30 books, and taught in his classes at Oxford and Cornell Universities. He share

Excuse Me Doctor! I’ve Got What? - Taking Ownership Of Your Health - A Conversation with Dr. Melissa Clarke
February 06, 2015

Melissa Clarke is a practicing physician who has studied acupuncture, been dean of a medical school, and has written a book that should be on everybody’s bookshelf. It’s entitled: Excuse Me Doctor! I’ve Got What? – Taking Ownership Of Your Health

Compassion, Empathy, Caring, and Healing: A Conversation With Roshi Joan Halifax
January 26, 2015

Joan Halifax and I were a part of that rich broth of creativity and humanism that was exploring new dimensions of healing, personal growth, and spirituality at Esalen Institute back in the 1970s. Roshi Joan Halifax is an anthropologist and an activist, a

The World’s Greatest Valentines Day Gift And How You Can Give It - A Conversation With Patricia Evans - And A Free Loving Relationship Meditation
January 05, 2015

Since the original St. Valentine expressed his reverence for love by illegally and secretly performing marriages for Roman Soldiers, even though they were forbidden, because the Emperor believed that unmarried soldiers were braver and better fighters, thi

How To Live With Cancer and Other Chronic Illness: A Conversation With Jan Adrian of Healing Journeys
July 24, 2014

Today’s show is about healing, and it offers valuable information for anyone whose life has been touched by a chronic illness. And that goes for caregivers as well as patients. Today’s guest is Jan Adrian, Master of Social Work and Founder and direct

Integral Nursing, A Modern Day Florence Nightingale: A Conversation with Barbara Dossey
June 05, 2014

In keeping with the International Women's Day theme for 2014, Inspiring Change, we are honored to bring you a conversation with Barbara Dossey, PhD, who Dr. Miller refers to as the “Florence Nightingale of our time. If you have a watered–down image o

The Inner Game Of Stress: A Conversation With Edd Hanzelik, MD
May 29, 2014

Although people talk about stress all the time, most do little more than complain about it. In our conversation with Edd Hanzelik, MD, Author of The Inner Game of Stress, we will explore a very neat, powerful and easy to use technique to deal with stress

Thoughts On Home, Community, Liberty, and Our Land: Conversation With Noted Novelist Will North (Part two)
May 14, 2014

Like snails, we carry a home with us wherever we go – except that this home is within us. You will see ways that this home can resonate with an environment.