Conversations with Extraordinary People -

Conversations with Extraordinary People -

The World of a Medical Intuitive: A Conversation with David MacKenzie

May 01, 2015

David Mackenzie is a medical intuitive – a profession you may be unfamiliar with. He will describe to us what that’s about, and as well, share with us some valuable lessons he has learned in his experiences there, as well as in his serving as a consultant to corporations, and as a professional photographer with Logue, Bazaar, and Architectural Digest.

A serious wake-up call in his life occurred when he had a stillborn child. This led him to a larger calling to serve the people and help them to discover buoyancy in life. He’s done extensive work teaching people with cancer, diabetes, and other major chronic illnesses how to not only avoid stress, anxiety and depression, but be buoyed up by their experiences. He teaches the same skills to companies and businesses.

You will be fascinated by this very intelligent presentation by a man who feels he is serving a sacred calling, as he discusses the tyranny of time, and how to drop the trap of the clock, and how to live life with presence . . . even unto a graceful death. He will also share some of what is available at his website,

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This little jewel has proven itself time and again with business-people, students, performers, athletes, and others who have little time to find the relaxation they vitally need. Learn to quickly relieve tension and wind down after a stressful period by focusing your energy and attention.



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For more than 2 hours, Dr. Miller, in his uniquely soothing and wisely entertaining way, will take you on a journey of discovery: a self-guided exploration of spirituality. Spirituality is the process of separating the superficial from the essential, and as you listen you will find that to discover spirit is to discover the relatedness of all existing things.

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