Healing the World Through Music - With Cheri Gross

Healing the World Through Music - With Cheri Gross

Podcast 2 – Bruce Manaka – Bliss through Nuances and Subtleties of Sound

March 23, 2014

Episode Two Notes
Exploring the Nuances and Subtleties of Sound and Vibration
Interview with Bruce Manaka, Exploring the Nuances and Subtleties of Sound and Vibration.  Stressed out and running short on time? Well, have I got good news for you!  Even YOU can learn how to FEEL and experience BLISS.  In this podcast, Bruce explains that Bliss is an accessible feeling and he describes how you can begin to experience bliss in your life!

Bruce’s background includes nearly 2 decades of living in an East Indian Ashram, where he lived a completely monastic life style, while practicing techniques of deep meditation and contemplation. Luckily for you, it won’t take you two decades to learn what Bruce has learned!  He has figured things out and simplified it all for you, distilling the essentials down to less than 30 minutes of instruction! (Well at least you’ll get a good start on it!)

The experiences Bruce had with formal meditation techniques, while living in the Ashram, led him to explore and discover new ways of listening deeply, and experiencing the body, upon his leaving the monastic life.


Do you ever wish you could FEEL GREAT, instead of just thinking about how you wish you could feel better.  Well, here is your chance! Bruce describes the body’s unbelievable potential to experience bliss vibration, which is fascinating and a primary area of exploration for Bruce. In fact, he gives a sneak preview to the upcoming new book, he is working on which explores the topic of experiencing bliss in the body.

In this interview with Bruce, he describes the very real experience of feeling bliss circulate through the spine and the body.  He talks about the deeper levels of listening and feeling that can lead one to experience an expansion of consciousness and an expansion of the bodily field of awareness.

You will find out how to allow your intellect to relax, so that you can feel (yes, that means experience real feelings) on a deeper level, as opposed to thinking your feelings. This is an especially helpful episode for all those Type A personalities, who don’t think they have any feelings… Ah, you know who you are :)

Bruce talks about sounds with such low frequencies, that they cannot be heard, they can only be felt, and he describes real life experiences of how these certain sounds can help to open up the heart area.

The body has an amazing amount of wisdom in knowing what to do, and how to heal itself, although we often try to resist that wisdom, using our smart intellect.  Well, there are ways around this, ways of out-smarting the intellect, and Bruce has these solutions!!

Bruce describes that feelings have certain sounds, and he has a special gift in helping people to experience and explore this part of themselves.

Learn more about Bruce Manaka and his offerings of art, sound healing, and creative encouragement, on his website http://www.manakastudios.com  

The art on this page, is all original artwork by Bruce Manaka, and you can purchase it and find out more about Bruce here on his website.

You will learn how to connect with nuances and subtleties of sound and vibration, as a way of connecting with your body, you heart, and the chakras.

In short, music and sound provide a real simple and direct way of accessing the energies that can help you in finding your life path. Yes, it is possible, and quite likely that there is something more you are called to be doing, as your intuition may have suggested.  Bruce Manaka is gifted at facilitating the opening and awareness of what they may be for you.

Tune in to this podcast and discover what Bruce has to share about music and sound and the effects of their vibration on your body!  Yes, you can experience bliss in this lifetime.
