Healing the World Through Music - With Cheri Gross

Healing the World Through Music - With Cheri Gross

Interview with Randy Masters, Maestro of the Singing Universe

January 12, 2014
Here are the Episode One Show Notes

Interview with Randy Masters, Maestro of the Singing Universe.  Find out why I refer to Randy Masters as a modern day Leonardo DaVinci. If you’re like me, you will soon become curious about the effects that music and sound can have upon your own health and well-being.

Randy describes that we live in a vibratory universe, that matter and creation are birthed out of sound. After just a few minutes of listening to Randy, I soon realized that there is so much more to the sounds we hear, and to the sound waves traveling through our bodies, and through the space we inhabit, that sound and music has a much greater impact on us, than one would ordinarily think.  (That is exactly why you are here reading this blog post, because you THINK. :) Most people don’t think.  That, however is a different story.)

Randy explains how sound impacts reality through our bio-systems. He talks about how water is restructured as it is carried through the body, and that this is how things that have gotten out of synch in our bodies can be healed.

For example, Russian scientists have discovered that injured cats purr to certain frequencies and are able to heal themselves with their own sound waves. This is due to a resonant frequency of mitochondria in the body. (I am over-simplifying this, Randy does good at keeping it understandable and straight forward.)

I learned that sounds actually release chemicals inside the body, and those chemicals help restore balance to bodily systems. Randy explains that each octave has an effect on different tissues and cells in the body. This means that every time a note is played in a different octave, it addresses a different issue in the body. (Fascinating!)

Randy gave an example of people who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, that have been able to shift the pattern in their bodies and have found relief through use of tuning forks applied by a sound healer. The way it works is that the sound shifts a holding pattern in the body, and allows for a release of energy that had became locked. (I intend to further explore tuning forks and the world of sound in another upcoming podcast interview.)

One of the most fascinating things I gleaned from interviewing Randy, is that something called Larmor frequencies are given out by gemstones and tones.

(Small aside: Randy creates beautiful and fascinating gemstone jewelry and meditation tools, from crystals and gemstones.)

Universal Song’s meditation tools

Randy does mention that an individual’s mindset in wanting to be healed is important.  He notes the necessity of being willing, open, and ready to be healed. He cites the example of Jesus, who always asked a person before they received a healing, if they were willing, open and able to be healed. Keeping in mind that all healing comes from within, we also must remember that a person’s mindset is a vital aspect of the healing process.

I had to listen to this interview several times to really “get” what Randy is saying, there is SO MUCH to it.  If you want to know more about Randy Masters, please visit his website Universal Song.

If you wish to learn even MORE, Randy Masters regularly gives workshops and trainings on sound healing, tuning forks, and other fascinating topics related to science and music. You can learn more about topics that Randy teaches on Paramount Booking International website, Healing the World through Music.

P.S.  Love the music of the intro and outro for my podcast?  The instrumental piece is Walt’s Waltz, composed and arranged by Randy Masters, PH.D. It is published by Masters Publishing House (ASCAP ). Walt’s Waltz is about the magical child in us all and how certain aspects of Walt Disney’s movies portrayed that  throughout Randy Master’s lifetime.

Find out more about Randy’s music on Randy Masters’ website Universal Song.

Thank you for reading. :)